Despite my apparent lack of interest in the class, I promise I do enjoy this! (Shout out to mental health issues and a brain that can't function).
People who say recipe ingredients shouldn't be substituted are wrong. (For the life of me I cannot find a specific artist to credit. This particular image came from Pinterest.)
Overall, running a blog is pretty enjoyable, to be honest! It's something I can do on my own time, and of course no one is going to lecture me for putting my own feelings on the subject in. Sitting down to read and take notes over stories a couple times a week is oddly enjoyable for me.
One thing that does annoy me is that, when putting pictures into the blog, they occasionally overlap once posted. I cannot figure out how to make the post column wider, so it might just be something I have to deal with.
Why are you overlapping like that, picture. (From my blog)
The project website is, for lack of better phrasing, still a work in progress, but I think I can pull it into something I'm satisfied with.
Writing for the story posts is pretty interesting. It's definitely a stretch on my brain, but I think I'm doing okay with rewriting them. I've been trying a different technique every time, from making the story second-hand telling, or from a certain character's view. I know that, if desired, we can change the outcome of the story, but I think I prefer keeping the main story intact and adding in details from after the story ends to make for fun twists or anything like that. I probably need to work on adding in more details so the story isn't simplified too much. That is probably something I'll fix within my portfolio.
I definitely use my reading notes, they're pretty helpful! Since I just summarize in bullet points, it makes it really easy to reference when I'm rewriting. That way I can make sure I still get the main points of the story, but it leaves me free to add in my own parts.
As far as what can change in the future..... Obviously I need to work better both on time management and actually completing the assignments. I suppose this is the place to say, "Better late than never," but it's not really. I'm behind, but I may be able to catch back up to where I need to be.
To end, here's one of my favorite images from my posts:
(Source: Ceil on DeviantArt. From my rewriting of the story of Narcissus)
I really like the contrast in the picture. It does a very good job of showing the story of Narcissus and what the outcome was. It was well executed.
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